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Summer 2021 Road works

Grading and dust control

Collector roads
To control dust on gravel roads, the municipality uses liquid and flake dust suppressants. Liquid dust suppressants are used on collector roads, such as Hatley Center, University or Albert-Mines roads. The spreading of the liquid dust suppressant is done by a subcontractor and it is planned for the week of May 24, 2021. Before the spreading of dust suppressants on the collector roads, the municipality proceeds to three ( 3) gradings. Grading work is carried out internally by the municipality.
Local roads
The flake dust suppressant is used on local roads, such as rue du Manège or chemin Hill. The spreading of the flake dust suppressant is done internally by the municipality. This spreading is done throughout the month of May. Before spreading dust suppressants on local roads, the municipality performs two (2) gradings. Grading work is carried out internally by the municipality.

Regraveling work

The municipality plans to regravel the following roads this year:

  • Beaudette
  • Dean
  • Lavallée
  • Rodgers

Regraveling involves the following work:

  • Reshaping the road
  • Digging ditches
  • Regraveling
  • Grading

What is the use of road grading?

If you would like to know more about the subject, you are invited to consult the Sherbrooke website. There you will find an excellent summary (in french):