Drinking water
Why you should have your drinking water (well water) tested
Did you know that Public health recommends that you test your well water on a regular basis.
- Bacterial analysis: twice a year, in the Spring and Fall
- Nitrates and nitrites (in agricultural zones): once or twice a year
- Arsenic and other contaminants: at least once
Accredited laboratory in the region:
Eurofins EnvironeX
3705, boulevard Industriel
Sherbrooke (Québec) J1L 1X8
Telephone: 819 481-1469
Toll free: 1 877 977-1220
Vulnerability analysis of drinking water sources
Approximately 160 residences in the Canton de Hatley are served by the drinking water network shared with North Hatley. The drinking water treatment plant and its source site belong to the Régie des eaux Massawippi, made up of the two municipalities.
In order to meet the requirements of the Water Withdrawal and Protection Regulation and to apply the Groundwater Catchment Regulation adopted by the Government of Quebec, the Régie des eaux Massawippi has mandated Asisto to carry out analyzing the vulnerability of its catchment site.
Below you will find some public information from this analysis in the following document :: Analyse de vulnérabilité des sources d’eau potable – Régie intermunicipale des eaux Massawippi
Municipal plan for the reduction of lead in drinking water from the network
(To residents served by the municipal water system)
As part of the government strategy to reduce lead in drinking water, Quebec municipalities must adopt a lead reduction plan.
The plan consists of taking drinking water samples among residences built between 1940 and 1955 to check whether or not there is lead in the drinking water.
This plan does not replace the owner’s responsibility to check their pipes and service entrance themselves. For more information, you can consult the government web site at :