Public security

Fire protection

Canton de Hatley is covered by two fire protection organizations.

1) La Régie inter-municipale de prévention et de protection incendie Memphrémagog Est

Christian Létourneau, operations and fire prevention manager
[email protected]
​873 389-5886

In January 2018, the Régie intermunicipale de prévention et de protection incendie Memphrémagog Est was created. It currently serves 10 municipalities on the territory’s of the MRC de Magog and Coaticook: Hatley, Hatley Township, North Hatley, St. Catherine de Hatley, Ayer’s Cliff, Stanstead, Stanstead Township, Stanstead East, Ogden, Barnston West

The Régie is also:
– 4 Stations (North Hatley, Stanstead Township, Ayer’s Cliff and Stanstead)
– 1 full time director
– 4 battalion chiefs in part-time operations
– 100 firefighters and officers on call

Roads covered by the Régie incendie Memphrémagog Est:
Allatt, avenue
Beaudette, chemin
Campbell, chemin
Cardinal, chemin
Dean, chemin
Dubé, chemin
Duport, chemin
Érablière, chemin de l’
Gosselin, chemin
Goyer, chemin
Guillemette, chemin
Hatley Acres, chemin de
Hatley Centre, chemin de
Highland, chemin
Hill, chemin
Hodgson, chemin
Jackson Heights, rue
Kingdom, chemin
Lac, chemin du
Lakeview, chemin
Lapointe, Montée
Laprise, chemin
Lavallée, chemin
Leslie, avenue
Lindskou, avenue
McDougall, chemin
McFarland, chemin
McKinven, Montée
Méandres, rue des
Meigs, chemin
Minton Hill, chemin
Montminy, chemin
Montplaisir, chemin
Murray, avenue
North, chemin
Sherbrooke, chemin
Sommet Gardner, chemin du
Sterling, avenue
Swede, chemin
Université, chemin de l’

2) Le service de protection contre les incendies de la ville de Sherbrooke 

Roads covered (northern part of the municipality):
Albert-Mines, chemin
Bel-Horizon, chemin
Belvédère, rue
Bergeron, rue
Boisé, rue du
Capelton, chemin
Cèdres, rue des
Chaumière, rue de la
Chêne-Rouge, rue du
Dunant, chemin
Écuyer, rue de l’
Eustis, chemin
Fuller, chemin
Haskell Hill, chemin
Hollenbeck, chemin
Horsefall, chemin
MacDonald, chemin
Manège, rue du
Maple, rue
Mégane, rue
Parc, rue du
Perdrière, rue de la
Ritournelle, rue de la
Rodgers, chemin
Sellier, rue du
Smerdon, chemin
Smith, chemin
Stafford, rue
Thomas, rue
Victoria, rue
White, chemin


Sûreté du Québec – Memphremagog unit
4080, rue Sherbrooke
Magog (Québec) J1X 3W5
819 868-3666

Power outages

As with the fire protection service, the Township of Hatley is served by two electricity suppliers, either Hydro-Québec or Hydro-Sherbrooke, depending on the sector.

Websites and applications now make it possible to follow the evolution of ongoing power outages and to monitor the state of the service until restoration. You can even check the service status for a specific address.

Hydro-Québec customers

Two ways to inform yourself:

The Hydro-Québec mobile application manages your account, to monitor your electricity consumption, the evolution of outages and service restoration times and to access a host of other practical information.

Hydro-Sherbrooke customers

For Hydro-Sherbrooke customers, an interactive map allows you to check the status of service by address.  If your power outage does not appear on the map, you can also call 819 821-5728

Public security

You can find out about several subjects of interest by consulting the website of the Ministry of Public Security.

Red Cross

The municipality of Canton de Hatley has an agreement with the Canadian Red Cross for humanitarian assistance to people in cases of emergencies and disasters. The cost for the municipality is $0.20 per capita. 

Red Cross services include:
– a 24 hour 7 day alert system and call center
– human resources (volunteers) to help organize and dispense services to people affected by disasters
– material resources (cots, blankets, pillows, hygiene kits) when disasters hit

How to become a Red Cross volunteer
You may complete an application online