Sherbrooke Ecocenter opening

Sherbrooke Ecocenters open

The city of Sherbrooke announced the reopening of its Ecocenters on Monday April 27. However, access will be restricted during the pandemic and several measures have been taken:

• Modified schedule: Monday to Saturday, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.
• Even residence address: access the ecocentres on even dates only
• Odd residence address: access the ecocentres on odd dates only.
• Proof of residence required.
• Two people maximum can leave the vehicle. Children must remain in the car.
• No symptoms will be tolerated (fever, cough, etc.).
• People must bring their shovels and brooms (no loan of equipment); staff will not assist with unloading.
• Respect for instructions, patience, kindness and courtesy are essential: zero tolerance.
• Until further notice: Hazardous waste is not accepted, clothing collection is suspended and there is no wood chip distribution.

For all the details:
Instructions for using the ecocentres

Coaticook Ecocenter closed

The Coaticook Ecocentre and Landfill remains closed to the public until further notice.

The sorting center for building materials is open to the public. Léon Jacques sorting center: 435, rue Ernest Lafaille, Coaticook / 819 849-6845